Graduate Certificate

Upon successful completion of the courses required for the certificate program, students will receive a University of Florida certificate from the college of pharmacy in their chosen specialty.


Each certificate consists of 12 credits. Students must earn an overall GPA of 3.0 and a C or higher in each course to be eligible to earn the certificate.

Certificate Minimum Requirements: For All (Domestic and International) Applicants

  1. A baccalaureate degree in a natural science subject from one of the institutional accreditors (or international equivalent) found in the “Accreditation” section on the Admissions website. If your bachelor’s degree is not in a natural science subject, please email Nasser Nassiri Koopaei.
  2. An upper-division GPA of 2.0 or higher. To calculate what your upper-division GPA is, please use the Upper Division GPA Worksheet.